
How to become a super podcast guest

Podcasts offer an excellent opportunity to spread your stories, knowledge, and background. Moreover, showcasing your character to a brand-new audience is excellent — especially with the online market being so competitive nowadays. In podcasts, personality always reigns supreme, which is what I love about them and why I listen to more than twenty a week. It comes down to what James Carbary, co-host of The B2B Growth Show, says, “The episode isn’t about you and the value proposition of your business… it’s about the quality content that you can share that will help the listener get better.” This is what keeps me, and the audience hooked and engaged. This article shares my tips on how to become a super podcast guest.

This will help me with my future appearances and

may help you.

Without more ado…

Banner image for how to become a super podcast guest.

A super podcast guest starts with prep.

  1. Do your research and be familiar with the podcast, and show topics. Then, listen to a few episodes so you get the vibe.
  2. Create an outline of what you want to say. It helps keep things focused on on-topic.
    • No elevator pitches, please. We are looking for interesting facts, fascinating tales, and genuine emotions.
    • Do not offer your goods for sale. This one is pretty self-explanatory.
    • Keep your story brief, concise, and to the point.
    • Avoid using jargon or buzzword.
  3. Pay attention to the quality of your audio. Show that you take it seriously. You need a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted and a good microphone. In my experience, internal mics on lap or desktops are pretty subpar for recording audio. You may want to invest in an external mic (even a $20 mic on Amazon is 100 times better than the one on your computer. If the sound is not good, the podcaster is less likely to promote your episode if the audio quality isn’t good.
  4. Minimize Distractions. To be successful, turn off your instant messaging and focus on the task–the podcast. Also, don’t eat food, don’t chew gum, or consume beverages with ice (noisy) while podcasting.

Dare I suggest that you go “off-brand”!

Podcasts are all about being genuine and not beating around the bush. Of course, your marketing materials and website should be presented sharply and professionally. But, when it comes to podcasts, you want to engage with an audience honestly as if you were talking to a buddy. Be natural. Be informal. Speak like a human being, not a “brand.” Prepare an outline to keep you on-topic and focused on WHAT you want to say, but don’t prepare more than that. The HOW you say it should be natural and from the heart.

Tripping over your words is perfectly okay because it’s about being human. It’s not a beauty pageant. If you stumble, don’t be afraid to joke about it.

Laughing is perfectly okay. We need more of it these days.

The show is done, and now what?

Once you have put your show out there, it is essential to promote it vigorously. Please spread the word about your show among your contacts, add the link to your email newsletter, and post it on social media. Other podcasters will be more inclined to have you on their show if they observe that you actively promote it. It’s a mutually beneficial situation.

Congratulate yourself for having the courage to be bold.

Angela Atelier is a New Jersey-based portrait and personal branding photography studio empowering women everywhere to live their best life. If you want to increase your online visibility and grow your brand, join us in the conversation about the female experience. Sign up for the atelier’s TALK SERIES today.

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