
Embracing Imperfection: How I Launched My Podcast Series and Found Freedom in Letting Go

Hey there, fellow go-getters! Today, I want to share my journey of launching the Diana Prince Lives Next Door podcast series. But here’s a little secret – it didn’t start as smooth sailing; rather, it was an adventure filled with imperfections.

For the longest time, aiming for perfection kept me from stepping into my power and fulfilling my dream to empower women like myself. My perfectionism was more internal. My fear of judgment gripped me so hard that I had to be perfect at everything I did. Then, everything changed – I decided to focus on becoming the best version of myself instead. And that meant embracing imperfection.

Embracing imprefection

When launching my podcast series, I didn’t exactly embrace imperfection. To get started on that first episode, I needed to shift my perspective away from within myself and toward what I wanted to achieve.

  • Overcoming Fear – I am happiest behind the camera as a photographer. Like any other woman, I get caught up by what I look like in photos and am even worse at videos. But to empower women to stand in their power, I must first stand in mine. So, instead of focusing on how I might be ridiculed in the digital world, I focused on the woman I would become by finally stepping into the spotlight and saying a few words on camera.
  • Creating Impactful Content – Instead of obsessing over each episode being perfect, I focused on delivering content that resonated with me as a woman and my audience.
  • Learning and Flexibility – I embraced the learning process instead of kicking myself for stuff I had no way of knowing in the first place. Have I done that before, right? The “shoulda” voice was there; sometimes, it was loud, but I paid no mind. Eventually, it went away.
  • Celebrate Progress – By celebrating my progress rather than perfection or the “shoulda,” I allowed myself to explore this new idea while avoiding fear. It’s important to remember that success is not solely defined by flawlessness but by continuous improvement and personal development.

As someone who celebrates progress over perfection now (trust me—I’ve learned), improving my speaking skills and getting all the equipment necessary for successful podcasting ventures became a priority. It wasn’t about being flawless but authentic connections fostered through shared experiences.

Embracing imperfection came later in the process, but it has given me such freedom to explore new ideas without worrying about failure or what people would think. It’s all part of learning, and you’ve gotta try it to get the experience and learn to make changes along the way. You won’t know everything off the bat, so do it.

Embracing Imperfection Beyond the Podcast

Now let’s dive deeper into how we can apply these lessons beyond just podcasts—especially if you’re looking for experiences that help you grow.

When faced with challenges or new opportunities at work or in life, remember this key insight: Progress is far more invaluable than striving tirelessly towards unattainable perfection.

At Angela Atelier, our mission revolves around transformational photography experiences rooted in unique personalities like yours—we celebrate exactly what makes us human—including our beautiful flaws along every step of your tailored portrait session experience.

Our sessions are designed as luxurious transformations and soul-rejuvenating moments wherein women learn more about themselves because compassion is our guiding force throughout. This is the perfect photography session if you want to learn how to embrace imperfection.

So let me encourage you to leap like I did with Diana Prince Lives Next Door. Embrace imperfections, revel in progress over perfection, and find your power by focusing on becoming who you truly want to be.

Remember: Every journey begins with a single brave step forward—it’s time for you to embark upon yours!

Angela Atelier is a New Jersey-based portrait and personal branding photography studio in Perth Amboy, NJ, empowering women everywhere to live their best life. Want to learn more about how we help women discover themselves through portrait photography? Contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation.