
Want to Know How to Nail Your Branding Shoot? Here’s 1 Crucial thing I Do to Help My Clients.

If you’re reading this you may have had a branding shoot in the past, and are wondering what went wrong. You either ended up with photos you never used, or your images that don’t even come close to your brand values. Want to know how to nail your branding shoot? Here’s how I help my clients.

The Importance of Personal Branding Photography for Businesses Even if You Hate All Things Marketing

I know how important personal branding photography is for businesses. Still, after I launched my photography studio, it took me years to develop a marketing plan, and in hindsight, I made snail-paced progress in reaching my ideal audience. I just hated the idea of marketing. Marketing and branding go hand-in-hand. Your online presence is your first impression on potential clients or employers, so to hate showing up online with your personal brand is letting your business down.

Your brand needs to reflect your unique personality, values, and expertise. That’s where an individual branding photography package can be a game-changer. But if you’re a hater-of-all-things-marketing making that investment can be risky because you need a brand strategy to avoid ending up with photos you don’t need.

Personal branding photography is crucial for business owners in a world where first impressions matter. Your online presence speaks volumes about who you are and what you offer. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, or job seeker, a strong personal brand can help you stand out. Personal branding photography allows you to showcase your unique personality, values, and expertise in a way that words alone cannot.

A personal branding photography package can include headshots, lifestyle shots, and product or service shots. Each type of photo serves a different purpose in building your personal brand. Headshots are essential for your professional profile and website. Lifestyle shots give potential clients or employers a glimpse into your personal life and values. Product or service shots showcase what you offer and can be used in marketing materials.

how to nail your branding shoot

My Tailored Package: What to Expect

When you invest in a personal branding photography package with my studio, you can expect a tailored experience that reflects your unique brand. We’ll work together to create a vision for your photoshoot, including the types of shots you want and the message you want to convey.

Here are my service milestones:

  1. Design & Planning is an essential stage in our photoshoot. At this stage, we work together to create a vision for the shoot, including a shot list that outlines the specific shots that will be captured. This process involves discussing your goals, the style and tone you want to convey, and the message you want to communicate.
  2. Shoot Day – 4 unrushed hours with professional hair and makeup. During your shoot, I guide you through poses and expressions that showcase your personality and expertise. We’ll also capture candid moments that reflect your natural self. It’s important to remember that your personal brand is unique to you, so your photos should reflect that.
  3. Reveal – The Reveal is the first time you’ll see the images created for your brand. With my help, we’ll carefully evaluate each series and select the ones that align with your brand’s message and overall aesthetic. Based on my experience and expertise, I will give you valuable feedback and suggestions on which images work best for your brand. By the end of the review process, you will have a selection of high-quality photos that accurately represent your brand and effectively communicate your desired message to your target audience.

I Help You Prepare for Your Personal Branding Shoot: Wardrobe, Location, and Props, and More

Once you book my services, my first goal is to get to know you and your business so that I can help you get the most out of your investment. I want to give you the guidance you need based on where you are in your brand journey.

If you’re at the beginning stages, you will benefit from clarity on your unique value before investing in my services. If you’re somewhere in the middle, it’s probably a good idea to focus it further or it level up a bit. I give you the tools to do it before we sit at the Design & Planning phase. Doing this ensures that all my clients get maximum value from their photos.

I also help prepare for your personal branding shoot, so you don’t get overwhelmed. I guide you with styling and selecting your outfits confidently and all the other details, including props.

I Capture Your Brand Personality in Your Photos

Having a solid process in place before the actual shoot is crucial. By having a clear plan and approach, I can ensure that we are fully prepared for the shoot and can focus on capturing your unique personality and essence. Your shoot will be a more relaxed and enjoyable experience, resulting in more authentic and natural photographs.

Conclusion: Nail Your Branding Photos by Investing in Our Studio

Investing in a personal branding photography package with our studio is an investment in yourself and your brand. Our Tailored Session ensures that you receive the maximum value for your investment.

Don’t wait to invest in your personal brand. Contact our studio today to schedule your personal branding photography package.

Do you want to unlock your brand now? Get our free Brand Clarity Guide now.

About Angela Acosta & the Atelier

Based in New Jersey, Angela Acosta specializes in personal branding and portrait photography for women business owners and professionals in New York and the tri-state area. She expertly channels brand narratives through tailored images, offering insights on wardrobe and styling to ensure authenticity. With a deep commitment to capturing the essence of each client, Angela transforms branding with impactful photographs that resonate and inspire. Contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation.