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Empower Your Business: Lessons in Self-Improvement from Jennifer Yates, Angela Atelier

As a woman navigating the world of business, I’m constantly seeking inspiration and wisdom from those who have walked the path before me. Recently, I had the pleasure of tuning […]

Tips & Tricks

Empower Your Business: Lessons in Self-Improvement

April 23, 2024

Storytelling Secrets: How Trademark Law Empowers Your Brand

Are Your Stories Protecting Your Business? Today, I want to share what I learned from a recent Diana Prince Lives Next Door podcast episode featuring Lauren Bercuson of STORYLOCK Legal […]

Tips & Tricks

Unlock Your Storytelling: How Trademark Law Empowers Your Brand

April 19, 2024

Have you heard of Dry January? It’s when people give up alcohol for the whole month of January. I know what you might be thinking – why would someone give […]

Tips & Tricks

Dry January and Why Embracing It (Anytime) Could Transform Your Life

April 13, 2024

Break Through Limiting Beliefs

Have you ever found yourself held back by limiting beliefs, unsure of how to break free and create the life you truly want? I recently had the opportunity to dive […]

Feature Posts

Break Through Limiting Beliefs and Build Your Tribe

April 5, 2024

empower your brand

Today, I’m diving into the inspiring world of branding and business growth with a fresh take on the latest episode of “Diana Prince Lives Next Door” featuring Emily Paulsen. As […]

Tips & Tricks

Empower Your Brand: A Powerful Conversation About Unleashing the True You through Personal Branding

March 28, 2024