
ELYS Legacy Management is Unleashing the Power of Women: How Danitza Borges is Changing Lives

In the latest episode of Diana Prince Lives Next Door, Angela Acosta sits down with the extraordinary Danitza Borges, the founder of ELYS Legacy Management. As a clinical sexologist, correctional officer, and owner of a human learning center, Danitza’s life has been nothing short of remarkable. In this episode, Danica sheds light on the importance of legacy. She shares her visionary platform that allows individuals to leave personalized messages and memories for their loved ones, ensuring they are remembered long after they’re gone.

The Power of ELYS Legacy Management

ELYS Legacy Management is a one-of-a-kind platform that aims to help people leave a lasting legacy. According to Danitza, we are all 1 in 400 trillion miracles, and it is only fitting that we should be remembered. The platform allows clients to record messages, videos, music, or any meaningful content they want to leave behind. These messages are then scheduled for release after the individual’s passing. Imagine receiving a heartfelt message from a loved one on a special occasion, like Christmas morning. It’s a gift that brings comfort, healing, and a sense of connection even in their absence.

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Embracing the Need for Legacy

During the conversation, Angela and Dantiza reflect on their experiences with mortality and how it changed their perspective on legacy. Danitza’s epiphany came when she worked as a correctional officer and was in a dangerous situation. As a single parent, she realized the importance of ensuring her son would be cared for if something happened to her. The realization hit at 50 for Angela, marking a turning point in her understanding of her legacy.

The Resistance and Empowering Women

Surprisingly, Danitza reveals that she encounters resistance from women when embracing their legacies. Many women tend to downplay their significance, putting the spotlight on others instead. Danitza believes this is a disservice to themselves and their loved ones. She emphasizes the need for women to step into their power and acknowledge their worth. Angela adds her perspective as a portrait photographer, noting how women often shy away from being in front of the camera, focusing solely on their children. She urges women to take the spotlight and recognize the importance of capturing their presence in their children’s lives.

Capturing Moments and Leaving a Mark

Danitza and Angela highlight the significance of capturing moments and passing down memories. Danitza compares the legacy messages on the ELYS platform to the treasured family recipes often handed down from generation to generation. These messages and photographs create a valuable connection between past, present, and future generations. Angela echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the lasting impact of photographs in preserving memories for years to come.


Danitza Borges’s visionary platform, ELYS Legacy Management, reminds us of the importance of leaving a lasting legacy behind. Our legacies can bring comfort and healing to future generations through heartfelt messages, photographs, or other meaningful content. So, let’s embrace the power of remembrance and capture the moments that truly matter, ensuring that our presence lingers long after we’re gone.

About Angela Acosta & the Atelier

Based in New Jersey, Angela Acosta specializes in personal branding and portrait photography for women business owners and professionals in New York and the tri-state area. She expertly channels brand narratives through tailored images, offering insights on wardrobe and styling to ensure authenticity. With a deep commitment to capturing the essence of each client, Angela transforms branding with impactful photographs that resonate and inspire. Contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation.