
Legal and Financial Self-Sabotage: Episode 4 on Self-Sabotage Awareness

As a business owner, it can be easy to fall into the trap of trying to do everything on your own. You may feel like you are the only one who can do certain tasks or that delegating tasks will cost you more money in the long run. However, this thinking can become a problem with the bigger components of your business. I call it Legal and Financial Self-Sabotage.

In a recent Diana Prince Live Next Door episode, host Angela Acosta sat down with guest Frances Tomes to discuss getting out of your own way. As a small business owner and founder of the Lift Your Business Program, Frances has seen firsthand how taking a step back and delegating tasks can help a business grow. Here are some key takeaways from the episode.

Self-Care is Essential

One of the main challenges that women face when trying to balance work and family is neglecting their own self-care. They often feel like they have to do everything themselves, leaving little time for exercise, relaxation, or other activities that promote well-being. Frances emphasizes the importance of delegating tasks to free up time for self-care, which can help business owners stay refreshed and focused.

Delegating Tasks Can Keep You Out of Legal and Financial Self-Sabotage

Delegating tasks doesn’t just free up time for self-care. Being in the weeds on every aspect of your business means the bigger, more crucial things aren’t getting your full attention. Being a way of legal and financial self-sabotage can help you avoid problems down the road and can also help your business grow. By outsourcing certain tasks, such as marketing or bookkeeping, you can focus on the important aspects of running your business. This can help you make better decisions, provide better customer service, and ultimately lead to more growth opportunities.

Networking and Training are Key

Networking sessions and training seminars can provide resources and help with delegating tasks. Business owners can find experienced and knowledgeable professionals who can help with areas they may lack expertise in. Finding mentors can help you gain knowledge in a variety of areas and can provide valuable feedback.

Getting Out of Your Own Way

To get out of your own way, it’s important to recognize the situations where you may be trying to do everything independently and work to step back. Frances shared experiences and stories where business owners had to let go of control to be successful.

Remember, self-care is important, and delegating tasks can lead to growth in your business. Networking and training are keys to finding experienced professionals and connecting with other business owners.

Understanding your business’s legal and financial aspects can help you avoid trouble and be proactive in taking care of important tasks. By taking these steps to get out of your way, you can help your business reach its full potential. So if you’re a small business owner looking to take your business to the next level, take a page out of Frances’s book and consider letting go of some of the tasks holding you back. Stay focused on the big picture and let others step in where they can help. Your business and well-being will thank you in the long run.

Episode 4 of Getting Out of Your Way

Frances founded the Tomes Law Firm, a legal practice that assists emerging businesses in achieving their growth goals. She understands startups’ and small enterprises’ unique challenges and provides tailored legal assistance to meet their needs. In addition to focusing on emerging businesses, Frances extends her expertise to individuals and small businesses struggling with financial debt. She recognizes the profound impact of economic hardships and works diligently and compassionately to assist these individuals and enterprises, striving to preserve their livelihoods and restore financial stability.

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